After John Webber
Gezigten de West-Kust van Amerika
Amsterdam 1794
Gezigten de West-Kust van Amerika
Amsterdam 1794
Sketches of coastal elevations of the west coast of North America made by John Webber and engraved and printed in Holland. Sketches of this type were commonly made to assist mariners in identifying landmarks and entrances to harbors as they approached the coast from the sea. In the upper right, Webber shows Mount Edgecumbe, named by Cook in honor of Lieutenant John Edgecumbe, commander of the Royal Marines aboard Discovery and Resolution. Mount Edgecumbe commands the entrance to Sitka Harbor, a secure anchorage that was destined to become the headquarters of the Russian colony in Alaska. A closer view of this dramatic and highly visible landmark is second from the top on the right side. The second illustration from the top on the left side shows the entrance to Nootka Sound when approached from the North. The low peninsula jutting almost to the right margin of the illustration identifies the entrance itself.